

When life gets tough, many of us can feel overwhelmed by negative experiences, thoughts, or emotions. If this happens to you, it is crucial to deal with it healthily. As the importance of mental health becomes more known, millions of Americans have found psychotherapy to be an effective form of treatment. Work with us at Deaton & Deaton Counseling to get started!

What to Expect

Psychotherapy (also known as talk therapy) involves relieving mental and emotional distress by talking to a psychologist, counselor, or mental health professional. This non-invasive treatment helps individuals address their thoughts, feelings, and experiences and learn practical ways to deal with their struggles.

Talk therapy is also effective for many conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This evidence-based treatment option has a strong reputation for alleviating stress and improving symptoms.

Our Approach to Psychotherapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is part of our daily practice. This treatment option will help participants develop healthy coping mechanisms and communicate more effectively with those around them. Many of our licensed counselors are trained in DBT, and this treatment is highly effective for individuals who need help regulating their emotions.

Benefits of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a great way to develop problem-solving skills, practice mindfulness, and learn healthy coping mechanisms. Life’s struggles are unpredictable, and when a negative experience occurs, individuals deserve a safe space to talk through their thoughts and emotions.


Psychotherapy can help individuals manage their mental health conditions, including but not limited to:

 Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Depression, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Post-traumatic stress disorder.


Psychotherapy can also greatly benefit individuals struggling with an addiction or substance use disorder. Numerous studies have proven that a person struggling with addiction is far more likely to stay sober and avoid relapse if they commit to a long-term psychotherapy treatment plan.

Goals of Psychotherapy

 There are a wide variety of different reasons you may be pursuing psychotherapy. Some individuals may be attempting to heal from an injury or adjust to a new medical condition. Others may be grieving the loss of a loved one and need help moving forward. Whatever the case may be, having a trusted counselor on your side can help you set realistic expectations and achievable goals.


Common goals of psychotherapy include:


Addressing root causes of mental or emotional distress, Developing healthy coping mechanisms, Increasing self-awareness, Gaining a deeper, understanding of thoughts and emotions, Making meaningful and lasting changes to daily behavior, Setting positive goals


No two mental health journeys are identical, and each person will have their own aspirations. Working with a licensed counselor and undergoing professional counseling is a great way to learn how to set reasonable goals and work towards living the life that you want.

Psychotherapy Services Near Frankfort and Georgetown, Kentucky

At Deaton & Deaton Counseling, we’re here to help you start a journey of personal healing and growth. Through behavior improvement, healthy coping mechanisms, and increased self-awareness, our counseling center can help you grow as an individual and help you live your best life. Contact us today at 502-209-7817, or visit us in Frankfort or Georgetown, KY. 

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